Sponsor Opportunities

We’re able to help businesses grow because of great companies that sponsor our programs and website.

Please join us in supporting diversity, local, and community.

You can sponsor one local area or go big and national.  Either way, we’d love to have you be a part of this special effort. 

Money is great but other forms of support are also appreciated.

Interested?  Let’s chat!

National Sponsors – Website & Business Email ($50,000)

  • > Provide free Bronze listings for 1,000 small businesses across the US
  • > Appear as a national sponsor on ConnectedInfo.com
  • > Engage with business owners with native content in weekly emails providing info, tips, and resources

County Sponsors ($5,000 – $25,000)

  • > Provide free Bronze listings for a specific number of small businesses in one county
  • > Appear as a sponsor on that county’s page on ConnectedInfo.com

Event Sponsors (various)

  • > There are special events during the year that promote consumer engagement with local businesses
  • > Sponsor on a national level
  • > Appear as a sponsor on the event’s page on ConnectedInfo.com
Together we can create impact for local businesses, stimulate our communities’ economies,
and make business more personal.

Don't miss any

Deals, Rewards, Events, Birthday Perks